Colin Stough
While Country Rock phenom and Gattman, Mississippi native Colin Stough is only knocking on the door to his twenties, he has traversed a long journey in a few short years – starting with his debut EP Promiseland, released in the Fall of 2023. After learning to play guitar at 8 years old, Stough first pursued artistic dreams at 10, boldly trading childhood possessions for his first guitar at a local pawn shop – an instrument he still plays to this day.
Thank you to our excellent musical performers at Makers Fest 2024!
The variety in the entertainment line-up kept the Makers Fest stage rocking. Music from Hud and the Hurricane, led by Cary Hudson, and female country duo American Blonde got the crowd warmed up for the 2024 headliner, Mississippi blues and Grammy award-winning artist Christone “Kingfish” Ingram.